What a day!
We had three halls with 19 sessions, lightning talks and a workshop delivered by 20 speakers!
We counted more than 460 participants!
Learn more about the event and the program - https://aws-community-day.bg/
Watch the video recordings on the AWS Bulgaria User Group YouTube channel - https://www.youtube.com/@awsbulgariausergroup

We are very happy to have gathered many like-minded people sharing their passion for AWS.
We are also happy to see that people enjoyed being there - based on the feedback form - an average score of 4,66 out of 5 to "Overall, I enjoyed AWS Community Day Bulgaria 2023." on a scale of 1 (Not Much) to 5 (A Lot).

We hope that we were able to make an impact and further develop the AWS community in Bulgaria.

We are already planning AWS Community Day Bulgaria 2024!
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